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To provide an outstanding education for each student we closely monitor the attendance of all our students. The following is an outline of consequences that accompany tardy and attendance issues.

Please discuss with your child why being on time is a good habit to form. Students with who do not have any tardies or absences are recognized at honor roll assemblies for perfect attendance. It is the expectation that students maintain a positive and punctual attendance to all of their assigned classes.  In addition to arriving to class on time, it is a schoolwide expectation that students arrive prepared to learn and participate in their assigned curriculum.  

Reporting Absences- If your scholar is absent from school, we ask that you call the attendance office to verify their absence. Please know: 
         - Only a medical related absence or other allowed absence will be excused. 
         - Absences can be reported to our attendance line by calling the school. 
         - Car problems, over sleeping, traffic and other delays causing tardies are not excusable. 
         - Students will not be released to parents without a valid photo ID. 

Excusable Absences- If a student is absent for one of the following reasons, their absence can be considered excused:
        -Due to illness or quarantine (under direction of a county or city health officer). 
        - Due to medical, dental, optometic, or chiropractic services. 
        - Attending funeral services for immediate family member, as long as the absence is not more than one day (if services are in California) or three days if our of state. 
        - For justifiable, personal reasons, including, but not limited to, an appearance in court, observence of a holiday or ceremony that is part of the students religion, attendance at religious retreats, or when the absence is requested in writing and approved in advance by the principal or other member of the sites administrative team. 

Truancy Policy– Three or more truancies and parents receive a START letter warning that the student will be placed on a SART (attendance) contract. Students who are truant can participate in attendance recovery through our Academic Saturday School program to make up absent days. More than ten absences during the school year for any reason including excused absences is considered excessive. Eighth graders that have more than ten days of absence lose end of the year activities.

Makeup Work-
Students are encouraged to reach out to teachers via email and request work when they are absent. Scholars who are absent from school can request makeup work and are expected to complete all allowable assignments within a reasonable, agreed on timeline with the teacher.  


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