CNUSD Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Stoplight

The Corona-Norco Unified School District's cell phone policy is as follows:

We are in a technological age, and with the added benefits technology can bring, devices can lead to problems. Unfortunately, cell phones and text messaging create a new set of challenges for the classroom teacher. Students have used text messaging for harmless notes and contacting parents at work, as well as to tease and harass other students.

In general, electronic signaling devices, such as cell phones, are not to be activated during instructional time. This interferes with students’ academics and can be hurtful. It will remain up to the discretion of your child’s teacher if a personal device can be used within the classroom.

As with all electronic devices and toys, the school cannot be held responsible if items are lost or stolen. Teachers will be implementing a check-in/out procedure to ensure instructional time is protected and cell phones may not be used to text, make outside phone calls, tease, or harass. Cell phones are kept secure until the end of the instructional day and must remain in the classroom at all times. If a student needs to contact a parent or guardian, he/she will be given permission to use the school phone. Violations of this policy will result in student discipline, including confiscation of cell phones or other electronic devices.

Please speak directly with your child’s teacher or call the office to speak to an administrator should you have any questions or concerns about this policy. We appreciate your support and cooperation.

Click here to read the official CNUSD memo (AR 8540) regarding student cell phone use.